Protecting High Risk us


NSG is one of the leading and most trusted security consulting companies that specialize in protecting high risk. From intense crises to situations to natural calamities, we offer High-risk security that can manage crises and emergencies.

We work closely with our clients to comprehend their security risk profile. After analyzing the client profile, we implement best practices and risk specialists to set up and execute a security risk management plan.

What do we do?

We work closely with law-abiding officials by sharing intelligence and other confidential information which can help in making the community safe and secure. We offer skilled and experienced security specialists trained to violators of the criminal code of Canada and the Trespass to Property Act in custody to maintain and restore order in society.


How do we help our clients?

● We provide comprehensive floor-by-floor security patrols to inspect building deficiencies and prohibited activity.
● We also place Security signs in the common areas that are connected with the 24-hour dispatch line
● We also provide a complimentary AED defibrillator placed in residential and commercial areas for easy access and to increase public safety awareness.
● We also do frequent site visits by sending our skilled and experienced security specialists to ensure client protocols are met.
● Get automated and computerized inbound and outbound logs for contractors and visitors for accurate and traceable records
● Receive a monthly automated and computerized report with statistics in graph form and a summary of incidents and/or illicit activities reported.


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